Friday, June 4, 2010

Exploring landscape and boundaries

This week in Australian Design Review, I saw the article on the Boundary House, designed by BKK Architects. Wow, what a fantastic piece of design! - exploring the definition of boundaries, fluid connection of spaces, pod like accretions* and the relationship between inside and outside spaces.
It is so inspiring to see this kind of design. They have thrown out the definition of what a house should be, square, box-like, with a lawn, and made extensions that extrude to make more connections between not only each space but each space and its surrounds. My only complaint would be the view from the street. The architecture contrasts the old with the new, but the front view is let down by the landscape and facade. It is the perfect opportunity to subtly suggest this house is not ordinary, but it looks 'normal'. I guess the advantage is you are in for a surprise!

*Accretions. Definition: an increase by natural growth or by gradual external addition; growth in size or extent

For the full article click here

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